Videos tagged with Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum

  • For the conclusion of the symposium, panelists will discuss how communities can continue developing in a sustainable manner. The panel delves into elements such as the interactions between human health and climate change, policy tools need to sustain development, and resilience to pollution and climate change.


  • This panel will discusses the significance of alternative modes of transportation for sustainable urban development. This topic is examined through multiple lenses, including environmental justice reform, political and policy barriers, and efficient urban transit.


    Ellen Beckmann, Senior Transportation Planner, City of Durham
    JoHanna Cockburn, Director, NCDOT Bicycle/Pedestrian Division
    Patrick McDonough, Planning/Transit Development, GoTriangle
    Karen Rindge, Executive Director, Wake Up Wake County

  • This panel discusses the ways that the Research Triangle can develop in a sustainable manner. Focuses include “green building”, policy or legal impediments, and the interaction between historic land use.


    Kofi Boone, NC State University, Department of Landscape Architecture
    Timothy Johnson, Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment
    Floyd McKissick, Jr., North Carolina Senate, District 20
    Danielle Spurlock, UNC Chapel Hill Department of City & Regional Planning

  • The Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum held their annual symposium on February 5, 2016. A range of experts contributed to the discussion about water law and policy.

    Water Financing Panel

    Moderator: Dr. Dan Vermeer (Director, Duke Center for Energy Development, & the Global Environment; Associate Professor of the Practice of Energy & Environment, Duke University Fuqua School of Business)

  • The Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum held their annual symposium on February 5, 2016. A range of experts contributed to the discussion about water law and policy.

    Coal Ash Panel


    Moderator: Michelle Nowlin (Supervising Attorney, Environmental Law & Policy Clinic; Senior Lecturing Fellow, Duke University School of Law)

  • The Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum held their annual symposium on February 5, 2016. A range of experts contributed to the discussion about water law and policy.

    Western Water Law & Policy Panel

    Moderator: David Hinton (Nicholas Professor of Environmental Quality, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment)

  • The Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum held their annual symposium on February 5, 2016. A range of experts contributed to the discussion about water law and policy.

    North Carolina Water Issues Panel

    Moderator: Megan Mullin (Associate Professor of Environmental Politics, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment)

  • The keynote speech and a panel discussion from Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum's 25th Anniversary Symposium, "Carrots and Sticks: Moving the US National Food System Toward a Sustainable Future."

    The keynote (0:45-37:45) was delivered by U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine).

    The panel topic "Distribution Channels," (43:52) was addressed by the following panelists:

    Dr. Dan Vermeer, Director, Duke Center for Energy, Development, and the Global Environment

    Laurie Ristino, Director, Center for Agriculture & Food Systems, Vermont Law School

  • A panel discussion from Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum's 25th Anniversary Symposium, "Carrots and Sticks: Moving the US National Food System Toward a Sustainable Future."

    The panel's topic, food labeling, was discussed by the following speakers:

    Jonathan Wiener, Professor of Law, Duke University School of Law

    Mary Jane Angelo, Director, Environmental & Land Use Law Program, UF Levin College of Law

    Jason Czarnezki, Executive Director, Environmental Law Programs, Pace Law School

  • A panel discussion and closing remarks from Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum's 25th Anniversary Symposium. The closing remarks are made by Dr. Kelly Brownell, dean of Duke's Sanford School of Public Policy.

    The panel topic, "Carrots and Sticks: Moving the US National Food System Toward a Sustainable Future," was addressed by the following panelists:

    Baylen Linnekin, Executive Director, Keep Food Legal Foundation

    Ryan Butler, CFO, Green Button Farm

    Portia McKnight, Co-owner, Chapel Hill Creamery

    Tina Prevatte, Co-CEO, Firsthand Foods

  • Welcoming remarks and a panel discussion from Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum's 25th Anniversary Symposium, "Carrots and Sticks: Moving the US National Food System Toward a Sustainable Future."

    Duke Law School Dean David F. Levi delivers the initial remarks. (0:20-9:30)

    The panel's topic, "US Food Law and Policy," is addressed by the following panelists:

    Margaret Lemos, Professor of Law, Duke University School of Law

    Susan Schneider, Director, LL.M. Program in Agricultural & Food Law, University of Arkansas School of Law

  • Lecture and discussion by the Ambassador of Ecuador to the United States on environmental justice and work that Ecuador is doing to protect the environment.

    International Perspective: Nathalie Cely Suárez, Ambassador of Ecuador to the US (11:00 AM)

    Recorded on April 4, 2014

    Conference title: Environmental Justice Symposium: Reflecting on 20 Years of Domestic and International Law & Policy

  • Panel presentations and discussion on Executive Order 12,898--Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

    Recorded on April 4, 2014.

    Introduction (02:30)
    Danielle Purifoy (Nicholas School of the Environment)

  • Keynote address on environmental justice movement and the Environmental Protection Agency's efforts and activities towards environmental justice.

    Keynote: Charles Lee (1:20 PM)
    Evolving Visions of Environmental Justice: An EJ Pioneer's Reflection on EO 12,898 after 20 Years

    Recorded on April 4, 2014

  • Panel presentations and discussion by a group of experts on their environmental justice work.

    Panel II: Environmental Justice in Practice (2:00 PM)

    Dr. Beverly Wright -- Exec. Director, Deep South Ctr. For Environ Justice, Dillard University;
    Danielle Purifoy -- PhD Student, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University;
    Annette Hiatt -- Senior Staff Attorney, Land Loss Prevention Project

    Recorded on April 4, 2014.

    Conference title: Environmental Justice Symposium: Reflecting on 20 Years of Domestic and International Law & Policy

  • Challenges and Alternatives (moderated by Steve Roady): *Donna Christie - Implementing an Ecosystem-Approach to Ocean Management: Assessment of Current Models *Andrew Rosenberg - Regional Implementation of Ecosystem-based Management *Josh Eagle - Regional Ocean Councils and the Perils of Multiple-Use Management.

    Recorded on October 21, 2005.

    DELPF Symposium.

  • Implementing Regional Ocean Governance (moderated by Mike Orbach): *Laura Cantral - The Joint Ocean Commission Initiative *Susan Hanna - Implementing Effective Regional Ocean Governance: Perspectives from Economics *Kristen Fletcher - Regional Ocean Governance: The Role of Public Trust Doctrine.

    Recorded on October 21, 2005.

    DELPF Symposium.

  • Regional Case Studies (moderated by Larry Crowder): *Craig Russell *Amber Mace - Regional Ocean Governance: A Californian Perspective *David Keeley - The Gulf of Maine: A Case Study for Regional Ocean Governance.

    Recorded on October 21, 2005.

    DELPF Symposium.

    Appearing: Larry Crowder (Duke Center for Marine Conservation), moderator ; Craig Russell (University of Washington School of Marine Affairs), speaker ; Amber Mace (California Resources Agency), speaker ; David Keeley (Policy Development Coordinator - Maine), speaker.

  • Final Roundtable. Moderated by Tim Profeta Featuring: Laura Cantral, Susan Hanna, Kristen Fletcher, Marc Hershman, Amber Mace, David Keeley, Donna Christie, Andrew Rosenberg, Josh Eagle, Steve Roady, Larry Crowder, and Mike Orbach.

    Recorded on October 21, 2005.

    DELPF Symposium.

  • Lois Schiffer, Partner at Baach Robinson & Lewis, PLLC, and formerly Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division at the U.S.

  • Charlene Coon, Senior Policy Analyst, Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, presents "Moving Toward Sound Forest Management." Gloria Flora, Executive Director of Sustainable Obtainable Solutions, formerly with the U.S. Forest Service, presents "Roadless Areas Revisited, ad infinitum."

    Recorded on November 14, 2003.

    DELPF Symposium.

  • Christopher Schroeder gives an overview of some of the major environmental policy issues currently confronting the United States. Lynn Scarlett, Assistant Secretary of the Department of the Interior, presents "Evolving Toward Cooperative Conservation: Policy Tools and Barriers." John Leshy, Professor of Law at UC Hastings, formerly Solicitor of the Department of Interior under the Clinton Administration, presents "Federal Lands and Natural Resources in the Bush (II) Administration: An Outsiders Assessment."

    Recorded on November 14, 2003.

    DELPF Symposium.

  • J.B. Ruhl, Professor of Law at Florida State University, presents "Endangered Species Act Innovations in the Post-Babbittonian Era: Are There Any?" Donald Murphy, Deputy Director of the National Park Service, presents "From a Land Ethic to A Bioevol utionary Ethic: A New Policy Paradigm." Norm Christensen, Professor of Conservation Biology at the Duke Nicholas School of the Environment, presents "The Bush Administration revision of the National Forest Mana gement Act Planning Rule: Species viability versus ecosystem management."

    Recorded on November 14, 2003.